Sky Ferreira is one of Pop from the Block's favorite artists, if you've noticed. Over the past few months I've featured her, chatted a bit with Sky, and placed her on the 2010 Watchlist. After getting rave reviews for her single 17, Sky's at it again with One (What's up with the numbers?). If there's one major flaw in her releases, it's that Sky hasn't had the opportunity to show off her singing chops like when she covered Miike Snow's Animal (I've really got to stop mentioning this). For some reason, I'm finding it very difficult to properly describe One. It's not your usual pop record, definitely. There's massive word repetition, which is surprisingly UN-annoying, and same goes for the autotuning. The synths are extraordinary, ethereal with shrilly bits that made me go over the moon. There's something I quite like about the single, though it doesn't pull me in. One is actually one of a kind. It's dense, robotic, with a dreamlike feel, but it has depth. Confused? I am, too.